The core beliefs of the Moravian Church are common to the family of churches defined as mainline protestant denominations. For a detailed statement on those beliefs there are two key documents that explain Moravian beliefs in detail. They are The Moravian Covenant for Christian Living” and “The Ground of the Unity” . (Click the titles for in-depth detail.)

Moravians place a very high value on the importance of practicing our beliefs. We believe that it is our mission to share the love of God will all people and live in a manner that reflects the grace we have experienced in Jesus. This is best summed up by the following statement from “The Moravian Covenant for Christian Living” :

        We will not hate, despise, slander, or otherwise injure anyone. We will ever strive to manifest love towards all people, to treat them in a  kind and friendly manner, and in our dealings with them to approve ourselves upright, honest, and conscientious, as becomes children of God. Together with the universal Christian Church, we have a concern for this world, opening our heart and hand to our neighbors with the message of the love of God, and being ever ready to minister of our substance to their necessities (Matthew 25:40).

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